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Posted on September 17, 2008. Filed under: Church, Friends, Theology | Tags: , , , , , , |

Just want to give a shout out to my brotha from anotha motha Michael Seay. He is very new in the blog world, but has some very great great thought. You can check his blog by clicking here. 

Times are a bit slow right now. Music gigs are coming and going, and yet the economy keeps getting worse and worse. Since moving to Alpharetta, GA a few weeks ago, my wife Susan has been unable to find any steady work. She is working as a Nanny for a very nice family, and while that’s a lot of fun, and they are great people, we just aren’t going to be able to make it on what she is making now. Not only that, but in the long run, she just doesn’t want to be a Nanny. She didn’t suffer through four years of college and basically almost get two degrees just to be a Nanny. So with that being said we went to a job fair this morning. I ad planned on accompanying her, but since I had nothing to do, and I was looking to get some extra money myself, I thought I would go to and submit my resumes in a few places. OK, so not only was this the biggest waste of time ever, we drove all that way, and basically no one was hiring or excepting resumes. What in the heck is up with that? Well, we didn;t get a lot accomplished, but Susan is hoping that she might get at least one call back from it. Just pray!!!! Not only for her, but pray for me that I will have more musical opportunities. It’s all about networking and paying your dues, and that is exactly what I am doing right now. 

Now as far as the weight loss pictures. Well, They are coming but we are trying to get our digital camera in working order before that can happen. But I will keep you updated. Just as a refresher, and as a way that I am letting all you readers keep me accountable, I will repost all of the figures and pics for you to see all at the same time.

On a new thought- there is a new wave of discussion that is coming up in the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) about Calvinism, Arminianism, John 3:16 and everything in between. Now, I am not into engaging in mud slinging debates, but I want to hear what your opinions are. Here are the rules: I don’t want to see statements like “well if I were God I would…” or “Well I know what the Bible says but….” or “The Bible says this, but it what it really means is [Something totally opposite of the real meaning]. Once I get some comments, I will tell you what some of my view are and why I believe that. Do some research on these types of theology, and then read up on some scripture.

Alright folks! That’s all I got for today… Talk to you very soon!


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